Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012


The Kotoamatsukami (別天津神; Literally meaning "Distinguished Heavenly Gods") are a group of five Shintō gods that appeared at the beginning of the universe. When the Heavens and Earth were created, three of these gods came down from the Takamagahara (高天原; Literally meaning "High Heavenly Plains") as so-called 'single gods' (独神, hitorigami): gods that did not appear as a husband-wife duo. These three gods are called the 'Three Gods of Creation' (造化の三神, Zōka no Sanshin) and where:
  1. Ame-no-Minakanushi-no-Kami (天之御中主神), the supreme god.
  2. Takamimusuhi-no-Kami (高御産巣日神), the god of conquest and rule.
  3. Kamimusuhi-no-Kami (神産巣日神), the god of birth.
After them, when the land was formed and sea was rising to the surface, two more gods appeared:
  1. Umashiashikabihikoji-no-Kami (宇摩志阿斯訶備比古遅神)
  2. Ame-no-Tokotachi-no-Kami (天之常立神)
These five gods have a special place among the Heavenly Gods (天津神, Amatsukami), hence their name: Distinguished Heavenly Gods (別天津神, Kotoamatsukami). After them came the 'Seven Generations of the Age of Gods' (神世七代, Kamiyo Nanayo), the last of which were Izanagi and Izanami, who were responsible for creating the Japanese archipelago.

Source: Narutopedia

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